Student Voice & Agency

We empower students in ways many have never experienced before, through creating authentic voice and agency within our wider school community. We transform relationships of power by valuing students in our school decision making. Crucially, we connect our students to the possibilities of social change. 

Student Voice Council

Coburg High School’s Student Voice Councillors are an active and enthusiastic part of school life. They meet several times a term to discuss issues of concern, liaise with teachers and run school events. Student Voice Council is entirely coordinated by the Year 12 School Captains.

Student Voice Executive

The School Captains and Vice Captains form the Student Voice Executive, which meets weekly to coordinate the wider Student Voice program. They represent student concerns to the School Council and wider community. The Student Voice Executive members sit on a range of committees for school programs, including environmental and transport initiatives. In 2023, this included working with the Mayor of Merri-bek on cycle paths and student safety.

House Leadership

House Captains nominated from Year 11 lead student sport, music and drama programs. The annual house competition includes not just swimming sports and athletics, but the annual ‘Coburg’s Got Talent’ competition and Colour Fun Run.

Stand Out

At CHS, students voice their pride at Stand Out, a club for the queer community and allies. Stand Out seeks to create safe spaces for students to explore their identities and form connections. Our students use local activism to make the school and wider community a better place. 

Sustainability Club

CHS students facilitate a Sustainability Club which maintains a veggie garden, plants trees in our school grounds and plans advocacy in our local community. 

Leadership Camp

The highlight of the year for student leaders is our annual leadership camp gathers together leaders from Student Voice, House Leadership, Stand Out and the Entrepreneurs club for three days of leadership and personal development. 

Leadership Conferences and Parliamentary Conventions 

Coburg High is a partner school of VicSRC and our leaders are part of the annual VicSRC conference. Coburg High Students are a fixture of leadership programs including Parliamentary Conventions and the Model United Nations where they debate current issues with students from schools around Victoria. 

The Entrepreneur Program and Coburg Cafe Collective 

At Coburg High School we believe in preparing students for a dynamic 21st century workforce.  Our entrepreneur program encourages students to develop skills in leadership, teamwork, financial literacy, business management and communication. As a part of this program students from years 7-12 manage, operate and profit from the hospitality initiative, the Coburg Cafe Collective. Acquiring an understanding of real-world business concepts and raising funds to explore hospitality courses in baking, cooking and barista training at William Angliss Institute. Our students are encouraged to invest in themselves and strive for learning experiences that push beyond the confines of the classroom.

CHS in the Community

Coburg High School is an active and passionate community who are deeply involved in community affairs and issues of social justice. Our students regularly meet with local MPs and the school hosts a range of guest speakers. Several of our students are proudly Merri-bek Council Youth Ambassadors. 

School Council 

Students are valued members of our School Council, having important voice and decision making powers in the strategic planning of our school. 

We are always looking for innovative ways to empower our students and create leadership opportunities. 

Student Voice Council

Stand Out! Club 

Entrepreneur Club

Student Voice & Agency Team