Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and anyone who has an anaphylactic reaction will require urgent medical attention. Different people have different triggers. For some it is specific food, for others it is something in the environment. We have students at Coburg High School who are anaphylactic and staff are regularly trained in anaphylactic practices and Level 2 First Aid.
Parents/Guardians of children who have allergies or are anaphylactic must provide the school with the relevant action plan that. Action plans need to be reviewed by a doctor annually, with a copy given to Reception with an up to date and labeled epipen and any other medication as appropriate to the students.
Asthma is another serious medical condition that may require urgent medical attention. It is a government requirement that every student diagnosed with asthma (no matter the severity) must have an up to date Asthma Action Plan. The plan must outline the student’s known triggers and the emergency procedures to be taken in the event of an asthma flare-up or attack.
The Asthma Action Plan for Victorian Schools should be completed/reviewed annually for each student with asthma. This plan needs to be completed and signed by a doctor.
It is also recommended that a spacer and Ventolin is brought to be kept in the First Aid room and/or in the student’s bag.
Illness Procedures
Students who are feeling unwell at school may come to First Aid and report to the School Medical Officer. The School Medical Officer will then make contact with the family if necessary to make further arrangements. Students are not to contact parents via their mobile phones if they need to be collected from school due to an illness.
Absences need to be recorded on Compass by parents/guardians and on return to school, medical certificates should be brought to Reception.
Students Requiring Medication
All medication, prescription and non prescription, are to be administered by school personnel following the processes and protocols set out in the Medication Management Procedures of the school. Medication will only be administered with explicit written consent from a parent/guardian or approved person, or in the case of an emergency, with permission of a medical practitioner.
When administering prescription medication the written dosage advice must be on the original medication bottle or container, such as that on the pharmacists label, noting the name of the student, dosage, and time to be administered.