Students are expected to be at school. When absent, students miss the opportunity to contribute, and to increase knowledge, skills and understanding.
Parents and guardians are expected to record reasons for their child’s absence on Compass and can keep up to date with their child’s attendance patterns through the Compass portal.
You can contact the Attendance Officers by calling the school on 03 9353 1700 and choosing extension 1, or by emailing
Adding an Attendance Note
For help in adding an attendance note to Compass here is a guide.
If a student will be late to school a note needs to be added to Compass. They are required to sign in with their Compass card at the front kiosk, this is located in Building A outside Reception.
It is essential that students sign in no matter what time they arrive so that we are aware of all students on campus in case of emergency. Students who are late to class will have this marked on the roll. Students who are late four or more times in a school week will have a consequence issued by the Student Support Team. Students who arrive late to school for Period One will also need a signed late pass.
VCE and VCE VM Students
If you are more than 10 mins late to any class you will be marked absent. This will affect attendance unless a medical or attendance certificate is received within three days. Note: leaving early also affects attendance unless a medical or attendance certificate is received.
We accept one Statutory Declaration OR Pharmacy Certificate per term ONLY. Certificates need to be submitted no more than 3 working days after a student returns to school.
Early Departure
If a student needs to leave school early, this needs to be noted on Compass. Students are required to sign out with their Compass card at the kiosk before leaving school grounds.
It is essential that students sign out so that we are aware of all students on campus in case of emergency.
If a student is absent from school for more than three consecutive days or leaves school to attend a medical appointment we encourage parents to obtain a attendance/medical certificate. This can be emailed to or given in person to Reception staff within 3 working days of returning to school.
If a student will be absent for a long duration of time due to illness/surgery we ask that you also notify the student leaders of that year level. School work can then be organised for the student to work on whilst recovering at home.
Study Periods
VCE students can only study at home during their study period if it falls in P1 or P5.
Medical certificates can be handed in person to the attendance officer, emailed to or uploaded on Compass (however please note that an email to alert the Attendance Officer that a medical certificate has been uploaded is essential).